Monday, October 31, 2022


     Khnum Ram God Presenting the Light of The World 


To be a Christian in American society you need to claim Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  Regardless of 'claiming' Jesus as your personal savior; why do you need to be saved? What do you need to be saved from? The dictionary states that a Savior is "one who saves from danger or destruction."  OK, there is a lot of that in the modern world.

But, why do people call upon Jesus to save them? In Christianity, Jesus is the "redeemer of sins and savior of souls." So, Jesus is going to save your soul from the dangers of the world and redeem your sins? 

A huge percentage of the planet does not believe in Jesus Christ.  Is he going to save them, as non-believers? If he is going to save them, also, then you don't need to be a Christian to be saved or claim Jesus as your Savior.  If he isn't going to save them, is he really a Saving God? 

AND, how do you know he will save YOU?  Whom did Jesus save to give you the idea that he has the power to do so?  Maybe Lazarus but we don't have proof. None of you were there to witness it. Plus, the bible speaks in parables and metaphors.  Maybe 'saving Lazarus' is just another metaphor.   

Jesus Christ was said to be THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD.  HE CAME TO SAVE.  When I look at the documented history since the Coming of God, nearly 2000 years, ago, I don't see A WORLD SAVED. Do you? 

I see death, disease, destruction, fighting, failed marriages, youths in jail, anger in people's hearts, illnesses of numerous magnitudes, and unrest in society. I see religious wars, political wars, and family wars.  I see greed, hunger, insecurity, and poverty.  Looking around, I do not see a world saved. 

Jesus, the Christ was Jewish, yet the Jewish people are still waiting for their savior to come. Wouldn't the King of Heaven & Earth, one of their own, be revered? We certainly do not see the Jewish community embracing the biblical Jesus as their savior. Look what they did to him in "THE" day.  If Jesus was the savior, wouldn't we see an entire World Transformed by his Death and Resurrection to God? 

Then, there is all this prophecy about the 2nd Coming of Jesus.  Jesus Christ lived, died, and resurrected and this, you are told, Saved the World, and cleansed everyone of their sins.  

But, He is coming again? Why?

Didn't he get the job done the first time? The work was done. Bask in the freedom of God!   Yet, you all claim to be sinners so, I guess you are not cleansed of your sins.  He Didn't Save the World or You. 

What does the bible say about Jesus? 

In His own words (presumably)

Christ Brings Division

34 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. 35 For I have come to ‘set[a] a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; 36 and a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’ 37 He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. 38 And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. 39 He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.

 Luke 12:49-56

Jesus Causes Division

49 “I have come to set the world on fire, and I wish it were already burning! 50 I have a terrible baptism of suffering ahead of me, and I am under a heavy burden until it is accomplished. 51 Do you think I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I have come to divide people against each other! 52 From now on families will be split apart, three in favor of me, and two against—or two in favor and three against.
53 ‘Father will be divided against son and son against father;  the mother against daughter      and daughter against mother;  and mother-in-law against daughter-in-law  and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law."

Well, the words said to be of Jesus Christ in the Christian Bible say that Jesus "comes with a sword to divide, to set the World on fire."  He will divide families and society.  Doesn't sound like a savior to me.  He sounds more like a troublemaker. The Prince of Peace is not bringing Peace? 

 He must already be here!! 

There is upheaval everywhere. 

Let's take a little break and think about all this. 


Christ is Greek for Christos meaning "the anointed one or chosen one."  It does not mean Savior of the World.  Jesus became the Christ because He was chosen by God to experience and share the process of personal evolution via Kundalini Awakening. The Christening, to become Christ is what happens when the 3rd Eye Chakra is cracked open by the awakened kundalini serpentine energy in the human anatomy. 

This oil-like fluid is secreted into the brain from the dissolving pineal gland; (the sacred oil in the Alabaster Jar that Mary anoints Jesus with) the tiny almond-shaped gland is in the center of the human brain. It takes years for the gland to dissolve like sand crystals and secret all of the oil therein.  This process is done by God the Ineffable One using cosmic energies such as solar flares, gamma rays, and powerful planetary alignments. They are not just for pretty Northern Lights.  

You cannot do it on your own. The effect of this oil from the pineal gland enhances the neurological functions of the entire brain system.  It increases consciousness, sensory perception, and physical abilities. 

Neurological enhancement is not limited to the brain. This special oil-like fluid lubricates your entire cellular communication function like oil in an engine. No oil....damaged vehicle.  Super oil....super vehicle performance. You have billions of nerves throughout your entire body. The nervous system, your super communication highway controls EVERY organ, process, and function in your entire anatomy from breathing to sleeping to urinating.  

The Awakened Kundalini individual becomes a Super Human Light Being. (aka. Christ Consciousness)  He/She can control and manipulate the environment, and people and be moved through space and time.  Miraculous no doubt. 

Jesus did not come to save the world nearly 2000 years ago.  He and Mary Magdalene, his wife, did something much bigger.  Together, they showed the world how each and every person can overcome the world of Ego pain and suffering and achieve Individual Salvation through Kundalini Awakening. 

They came to correct false teachings from the past. He spoke in the Temple and changed the teachings of the Books of Moses. They were Jewish. Jesus was said to be a rebel against the traditions of his culture.  He lived by strict codes of behavior. More like an Essene.  He glorified women in a world of patriarchal arrogance. Jesus was born, lived, and learned how to Awakened Kundalini with the help of Mary Magdalene; via the mystical Jewish art of the Kabbalah. The path to self-realization and attainment of Self Divinity.  He told people to follow HIM. Which meant 'come learn the process of Awakening Kundalini.' 

The 18 missing or unaccounted-for years of Jesus' life were his Kundalini Awakening journey of learning, traveling, and evolving his consciousness to Christ Consciousness.  Issa (Jesus) was said to be in Tibet.  He traveled the Orient. He studied the great works of his time about the process of Awakening Kundalini.  He Awakened Kundalini and then, returned temporarily to share the process with the people of his time. 

Jesus did it!  He saved Himself.  He became God. 

He Did Not Die to Save You!  

He Evolved to Save Himself from the World and Show You How to do the Same. 

 He was born human, evolved through the process of Awakening Kundalini, and achieved Divinity and the Self-Realization that HE is the male God. His wife, Mary Magdalene, helped him through the process as HIS physical and spiritual Sacred Soul Feminine, Goddess, Mother of Creation. HIS soulmate. 

He did not stop at Enlightenment.  He completed the entire process to become, rather, return to HIS original nature as God. He is Coming Back to collect HIS Bride/Wife/Goddess, (who has incarnated on Earth for the last time as a human).  He will return via the Awakened Kundalini descent from above to complete the process of male/female union. 

Together, Jesus as male God (the GROOM) will marry/unite with his spiritual and physical female Goddess (the BRIDE) and establish the Kingdom of God.           

Awakening Kundalini and evolving to Christ Consciousness is the Path to Eternal Salvation.  You become God!  

You become Jesus Christ, aka. "God Christened" 

 Human & Divine. 

This same process is detailed throughout the world cultures in Egyptian Pyramids, Hinduism, India, China, Tibet, Ancient Jewish Kabbalah, and more.