Saturday, June 11, 2022

Genesis Revisited

Shadow and Light Creation


Christianity, a predominant world religion on Earth believes in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  Out of the 7 billion people on the planet, 2.3 billion claims to be Christians. Add to that, the estimated 15 million Jewish people who follow the Torah, which includes the book of Genesis and you have a large population of people who believe that the Book of Genesis is the Word of God. That is nearly 1/3 of the entire planet follows the teachings of the Bible and the First Five Books of Moses or do they? 

Jewish/Christian Genesis has in Chapter 1, God created the whole Cosmos. The heavens, day and night, stars, the earth, and filled the waters of the earth with fish creatures and plants.  He covers the entire earth with trees, plants, and animals.  He creates Light Beings, both male and female (equal). He creates, is satisfied with All Creation and it is done.  

However, Chapter 2, Begins with God's satisfaction with his work and resting.  Then, we have another creation story similar but different.  We skip over the creation of the heavenly realm. It was already there!  In this account, the earth is barren of plants, but God makes it rain and water flows. Soon there is life, gold, lapis, cattle, and mankind is created; 1st male and then, female a lesser creation taken from man.  He places them in a Garden. 
Why are there 2 different Creation Stories in Genesis? 

"In the Beginning...." is singular. Furthermore, why is "God" interested in Gold and Lapis and making mankind subdue and tend the land?  Ask a Rabbi.  Ask a Preacher or Priest? 

The first creation account is complete and full. God is satisfied with all that HE has made. He likes the plants. He likes the animals.  He likes male and female Light Beings. He gives them the plants and fruit-bearing trees to eat. Why in chapter 2, is 'God' starting over with a barren non-fruitful wasteland that needs tending, and plowing?  He already made everything, it was perfect and HE was pleased?

Chapter 1:  The Ineffable One God, the Pure Light, the omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, Consciousness of Creation created All. He created the cosmos, arranged its order, and filled it with stars, galaxies, planets, Light Beings, life, etc. 
Chapter 2:  Then, a Star People Nation, the Pleiadians, (aka Nordics) found a suitable planet to support human-like life and began to populate it. Later, other Star People, such as the Annunaki Star Nation came to Earth and did the same. Some were peaceful Nations. Others were warrior Nations. 

The ancient texts were created by the Star People to provide a history of the evolving human life forms placed on the Earth. Earth is a seedling planet. Meaning that different Star Nations have seeded humans on Earth. Later, they are moved to another planet or returned to their original one such as the Mayans. 

It is very clear in the Book of Genesis that there are two very different Creation stories. The first story is about God, the Ineffable One creating the entire cosmos from HIS conscious intent. He sets the entire Universe in motion. He creates a variety of life forms to populate each space from the waters to the land and in the air.  The Pure Light, which creates All.  

Then, in chapter 2, we have the account of the Star People finding a planet rich in minerals. They begin to mine gold. But, they are lazy. The Gods of the Annunaki Star Nation begin to create life on Earth as workers/slaves to mine their gold. They are of superior intellect and thus, create a garden in the developing wasteland of Earth.  They create animals, plants, and Mankind (in their image). They take from their DNA (the rib/bone marrow/blood) and mix it with that of the gorilla to create Homo Sapiens. A  human form that is compatible with the frequency of this planet.  

As you look around, you will see the conceptual design of this Star Nation.  They mine. We mine.  They became warriors.  We fight.  They enslaved.  We enslave. They were lazy.  We can be lazy.  They did not create from the Pure Light of the Ineffable One God.  We create but with flaws.  However, they provided a path to evolve.  They have covered the planet through a variety of cultural practices in the method of evolution to attain Enlightenment and become a Light Being. 

        Awakening Kundalini.  
Human Nutrition

Looking at the first Book of both Sacred Texts, I wonder about the current health of mankind on Earth.  I was guided, first thing, to omit meat from my diet before Awakening Kundalini.  A vegetarian diet with fish was what I was guided to eat as nutrition. It has been almost 15 years that I have been following this healthier diet. 
 I am ok!  I did not wither up and die by not consuming meat.  In fact, I have never been healthier. I lost about 5-7lbs. immediately after quitting meat. I learned about plant protein and have been very healthy ever since.   

If you look around at the majority of the largest mammals on the planet; the buffalo, the cow, the elephant, and the bear, they consume a large diet of plants/grasses.  Plant Protein is what gives them their power and stamina. What was mankind told to eat by both God and the Star People?

Genesis 1:29-30

29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so.

Well, correct me if I'm wrong but where do you see eat cows, pigs, and chickens in God's explanation of what mankind is supposed to eat on the Earth?  If you are a True Christian or Jewish follower, who reads the Bible or Torah, as the Word of God, NONE OF YOU ought to be eating meat (cattle, pigs, chickens, etc.)! 

Oh, wait! 

In the Second creation story, what is man told he can eat? After all, we have livestock, aka cattle, sheep, etc.  The Star People plant a garden, water flows, and animals are everywhere. What is Adam & Eve told to eat?

Genesis 2: 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”

Nope! Nowhere in all of Genesis is man told to eat the animals of the earth! 


Mankind is told to eat of the trees. I take this to mean the fruit and nut from the trees.  Even plants. This is a more cohesive teaching of what my God told me to eat. No mammals on the earth are to be food because they have a higher conscious awareness.  They form a bond with their offspring and nurture it from their bodies.  Female cows (Heifers) bawl and cry out for hours and hours when their young are taken from them at 6 months.  Ask any rancher.  It is so sad. 

Furthermore, eating mammals is toxic to the Human Anatomy.  Why do you think there is such a high rate of heart disease, obesity, and colon cancers?  It is comparable to eating a human.  They are mammals.  You are a mammal. 

Now, the cattle industry is going to have a greedy fit.  Big pharmaceutical companies won't make billions off of your poor health. And, the planet may recover faster from the removal of toxic waste (literally, cow dung, noxious gas, an abnormal increase in the insect population, and polluted waterways) due to ranching and corporate farms. 

The Gods of Heaven and Earth have been very clear about the nutritional consumption of mankind.  The fruits, vegetables, seed-bearing plants, and trees of the entire planet are yours for the feasting! 


Peace & Light