Showing posts with label Kundalini. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kundalini. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

I AM: Merkaba Spin Video

                                                  "I AM" writing formation in the clouds

Awakened Kundalini Merkaba Spin

Ancient artwork depicts Gods who appear to have three faces: one to the left, one to the right, and one looking straight ahead or many heads and arms that seem to be in motion.  What do these mean?

The Hindu God Brahma is often depicted in this way.  

Brahma, the Creator

Brahma is the creator of the universe and of all beings, as depicted in Hindu cosmology. The Vedas,, the oldest and the holiest of Hindu scriptures, are attributed to Brahma, and thus Brahma is regarded as the father of dharma. 

Lord Krishna is another God depicted with many heads and arms.   

Sri Krishna made an indelible impression upon mankind’s collective consciousness—re-educating the world about devotion and dharma as well as the ultimate reality. His life was a model for people in days past, the modern world, and surely for those in ages to come. Seeing Krishna as a perfect personification of divinity, to this day hundreds of millions of people pray to him, chant his name, meditate on his form and try to put his teachings into practice. His life has inspired a treasure house of poetry, music, painting, sculpture, and other fine arts.  

Even the three images present in Jesus's Transfiguration are a dramatic, glorified representation of the same theme.  

 What do they all have in common?  They represent the multi-dimensional God with Awakened Kundalini; able to move through time and space to experience the Ultimate knowledge of the Ineffable One God of Pure Consciousness, your own soul, and a variety of dimensional incarnations.   

How did Jesus RISE to Heaven?  Kundalini Christ Consciousness and active Merkaba Spin.  

How did Lord Shiva know about the ULTIMATE REALITY?  Kundalini Christ Consciousness and active Merkaba Spin.

How did Brahma CREATE the Universe and All Beings?  Kundalini Christ Consciousness and active Merkaba Spin.  

Hello, my name is Teresa and I have Awakened Kundalini.  In the following video you will see a very brief example of the counter-rotating energy of the Merkaba Spin/rotation.  It is the power of Christ Consciousness to fly or be moved through space and time by the Ineffable One God. It is the power to see and experience the multi-realities and dimensions of creation.  

Divine activates the energy from above; which flows down through a channel in my head. The area around me is brought to Zero-Point Energy Field and the Merkaba is activated.  I am then moved physically and consciously through time and space.

I have hundreds of journals and many videos that document my entire journey of Awakening Kundalini and the experiences that I have had over the last thirteen-plus years. 

Awakening Kundalini is the call of God! 

 It is the only call to take for Eternal Life and Salvation from the Ego world. 

If the video does not play, please click on the following link to see the full video on Youtube.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Symbols and Practices Defined


Symbols and Practices Explained (Part 1)

I do not claim to be a religious expert.  Kundalini does not make you a genius. Spiritual Enlightenment is learning the information important for you to understand about your Soul and the Ineffable One God.  It is not to appease mankind's lust for knowledge & notoriety.  Awakening Kundalini is devastating, ecstatic, and sublime all woven together. 

The knowledge that you are given when you Awaken Kundalini produces moments of "Oh" and "I thought so!" "Really?" "Wow" "What a lie that was." "That is so simple." and "Magnificent!" 

That being said, I am familiar with a variety of basic religious beliefs and spiritual practices. While I do not support any, one practice over another; each faith practice has something to offer that can be useful. Regardless of origin, religion, secret societies, and many spiritual practices are by mankind, for mankind.  'Inspired writings' still fall under ego interpretation. Along my journey, many religious and spiritual symbols and practices have been explained to me.  Part of spiritual enlightenment during the alchemy of the soul is learning HIS mysteries.  

Here is a sampling of that information.


Kabbalah:  The ancient Mystical Kabbalah encompasses 45% of my spiritual experience with Awakened Kundalini. The remaining experience is 45% cosmic and 10% earthly.  The pathworking movement of the Kabbalah is done by God.  You may walk the earth and drive hundreds of miles but the attainment of the destined point or mark is activated by the Divine.  The Sephirot spheres are revealed in the sky as Oracles. An Oracle is a full rainbow circle with the Light of God in the center. (pictured above)  This is also the Heavenly Presence of the Divine. The Oracle may reveal picture images of future events or lines marking time, like on a clock.  This particular Oracle is revealing something to occur between 2 and 6 am/pm and again at 6:30. 

              Ain Sof Aur Flower

The Ain Sof Aur Flower at the top of the Kabbalah (#1 or Crown Sephirot) appears after you enter the sephirot and pop up at the top of the cosmic pole.  To enter the sephirot, one needs to stop all movement and wait.  God will move you into it. The movement may be felt like a conscious SHIFT or the Merkaba spin may be activated. Another method may be a squeezing of the abdomen in the solar plexus region. The Ain Sof Aur flower may look like a star (Mary's Star of Bethlehem) or a flower with petals.

When you complete each kabbalah, you 'crack the shell' of the sphere (egg) and are moved to create the next connecting flower or blueprint of creation.   

The Kabbalah is the Flower of Life. The explanation/interpretation of it has been expressed throughout time and across cultures such as Metatron's Cube, Sacred Geometry, Pythagorean Solids, and Kepler's Nesting Spheres. It is Creation in Motion. 

The pattern is repeated on the earth, on the moon, on the sun, in the formation of planets, galaxies, and throughout the cosmos to infinity. 

Head Coverings:  Traditionally, 'men wear a Kippah to remind them that there is an Almighty Power above them.'  While this may be true; the Real reason is that when you awaken Kundalini, the top of the head opens and you have a soft spot like an infant.  The difference is that the soft spot on the head of one with Awakened Kundalini is located further back on the top of the head.  I call it the 'back crown.' 

One who has Awakened Kundalini and completed the entire cleansing, rebalancing, and opening of all 8 chakra Wheels of Light; the skull opens on the back of the head.  It takes a couple of weeks and happens a few different times.  Yes, it is painful and very sensitive when the skull is opening.  Also, the back of the head flattens slightly. A channel is opened through this soft spot & flattened head for Divine communication and energy downloads. Once the head and channel are opened, you do not feel pain in that region anymore.  You cannot Merkaba without this skull opening and channel in your head. 

Pointing to Back Crown Soft Spot

Yarmulkes, kippahs, skull caps, and scarf head-coverings are worn to protect the individual with Awakened Kundalini from the energy forces of the spiritual realms.  If you can see in this image a face looking left;  I am pointing to the top, back of the human head. 

Cultures around the globe, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, etc. have included this practice of covering the head.  They use various types of fabric and designs to accomplish this such as the songkok, keffiyeh, pakol hat, hijab, Kapp, bonnet, and even the American baseball cap.  It is not a religious practice as such but an ancient protective measure that has been categorized and passed down through cultures or religious traditions. 

The head covering serves as a barrier against ego influence, the evil Light, and other spiritual influences but does not hinder God's ability to communicate or energize you.  Any garment that covers more than the head, such as a burka, is a cultural custom.  Male dominant societies that dictate their women to wear a burka are simply exhibiting ego control and insecurity.  It has nothing to do with the Ineffable One God.


Meditation:  Meditation is the practice of sitting quietly with eyes closed and letting the brain activity calm down. It has been in practice for thousands of years and aids in healing the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual ills of the person. It is very effective but takes some patients and practice to achieve what I call, No-Mind. No-Mind is the state of mental stillness without thought. This was the main method I used to achieve Kundalini Awakening.

However, since re-entering the world, I have reviewed books, Youtube videos, and websites on meditation.  Once again, hundreds of people claim to have 'the right way' to meditate and which body form to use to open the 3rd eye vs. the heart chakra.  Oh, the errors of time and ego.   

There is no 'Special Meditation' that opens a specific chakra over another one. The key is the Root Chakra.  The chakras do NOT open out of order.  The dual serpentine spiraling energies must rise up the tree (spinal column).  There is no need for all the commercial hype in types of poses to meditate, either.  You don't need to face East or sit on a pillow or touch your thumb to your knee or do it at a certain time of day. All of these types of advertisements are just bait to the uninformed to get money from you or to collect a following 

(for future monetary gain). 

In the beginning, I leaned against the bed or couch as my back muscles were not used to sitting so erect.  Sometimes, I lay down to meditate. I did find morning better to meditate than later in the day, as I had less on my mind.  Just start sitting and you will find what works for you. Don't be afraid to experiment a little.  

God is not rigid like the Ego. 

**Since there seems to be an intense Online desire to open or claim to open the 3rd Eye, let me say this to you.  YOU cannot open the 3rd Eye on your own.  Your Guru cannot open your 3rd Eye. You cannot open the 3rd Eye without first, Awakening Kundalini. You cannot open it out of order of opening the lower chakras. You cannot open it without the Divine blasting you with cosmic energies that crack the pineal gland open.  Any claims to the contrary are false. When the pineal gland is opened it is like someone stabbing you in the head with a sword.  It hurts bad. 

When the pineal gland is cracked open, it starts to dissolve like sand crystals.  This process takes months, even years. Next, the pineal gland begins to secrete a chemical liken to oil into the brain (aka Christ Consciousness, sacred oil anointing, christening/baptism)  This happens systematically with spiritual & conscious advancement/growth.  Each subsequent release of oil is like having a brain freeze when you eat ice cream too fast.  This brain-freeze sensation lasts for several minutes, causing you to be unable to open your eyes.  It increases the sensory ability of the optic cortex and your eyes (vision). This allows for Divine vision, Divine communication, cosmic travel, etc.  


Symbols: The symbols found in this Secret Society are abundant and important.  I have learned many of their meanings as they relate to Awakening Kundalini. From one online encounter though, the Mason I spoke with did not know what his symbols meant.  Like many practices done by 'tradition,' the value and meaning behind the tradition have been lost in time and a pseudo meaning has replaced it. 

Checkerboard - the black and white checkerboard dons many a floor from Masonic Temples to Auto Mechanic stations. It is used as a game platform and the flag is waved at the finish line declaring 'the winner.'  The abundance of the 'sign' is found throughout society. 

Some say, it represents a low consciousness and the need to evolve to higher consciousness.  Some say it represents the duality of good vs. evil.  The truth is that physical creation is based upon opposing forces working together to create and sustain life. As Earth is operating at the harmonic frequency of  'C' it is at the base level of human evolution.  This coincides with low-level consciousness and the obvious forces of good vs. evil that you experience in your daily life.  

The Cosmos is layered and multi-dimensional.  Using the musical octave C, D, E, F, G, AB; the solar system is designed via frequency.  You can be in the same place but at 'C' frequency the physical representation of Earth is dirty, profane, and rife with violence.  But the same space. at the harmonics of 'B' is bright, clean, and full of joyful harmonious people.  Strange to experience but true. 

With Awakened Kundalini the definitive opposites can be noted from day to day. Again, it is based upon movement. Using the checkerboard concept:  If I go into the grocery store, on a 'black day,' the store may be overcrowded, and lacking some food supplies with few bargains.  If I return to the same store on a 'white day' the place may have fewer customers, full shelves, and many items that I am looking for on sale.  If I am moved at an angle, the next day may also be a 'white day' and I get more goodies at a discount. 

Just to add confusion into the mix, the 'black & white' checkerboard days also pertain to frequency.  A "black day" at high frequency can yield amazing specials, just like a 'white day' at low frequency may look rather poorly.  Over time, you see the world blended into a beautiful array of color based upon frequency of consciousness rather than the ego illusion of simply black & white. 

(This has nothing to do with racial connotations. If that is your focus please, learn and grow. This concept of black & white duality of energy is played out in creation at lower frequencies. At higher consciousness; the polar differences do not exist.

"There is no more night." (black, negative, or shadow)

Apron - The masonic apron refers to the area covering the abdominals in the solar plexus region.  When Divine prana breath is forced into the open mouth by God, a very unique rhythmic breathing is activated. It is separate from your regular respiration. The solar plexus region begins thumping or beating very noticeably. This thumping acts like a bellows and causes a surfactant to be secreted from the cells in the linings around the lungs, and vital organs in the abdominal cavity. 

Only a person with Awakened Kundalini has this special breathing activated by God. Your Guru, Yogi, doctor, or Clergy person cannot stimulate this prana energy or solar plexus thumping. You cannot activate Prana Breath or Solar Plexus Thumping on your own. 

There are a few primary reasons for this Prana Breath inhalation and Solar Plexus Thumping.  Prana Breath is a special Breath of God forced into your lungs. It is energy of the highest power. This energy is then transferred into your body, spirit, and mind.  The energy can be used by God to activate the release of surfactant in the linings of your organs as preparation for cosmic flight, dimensional movement, and Merkaba. It can also be used to simulate a 'birthing' event.  It enhances one's ability to sensate. Meaning that when I receive Prana Breath; my hearing is exponentially Superman the comic book hero. So is the rest of my sensory perception.  It also aids in the transitional state to Light, also known as Spirit; so you can see God.


Prana: It has been referred to as "The Breath of Life," "Universal Force," "Vitality," and "Absolute Energy."  It is not randomly hanging around in the air like some claim.  It is a very Special energy by God forced into the mouth of one with Awakened Kundalini. 

There are many uses by God for the Divine Power of Breath. As I stated above:  The energy can be used by God to activate the release of surfactant in the linings of your organs as preparation for cosmic flight via Merkaba. It can also be used to simulate a 'birthing' event.  It enhances one's ability to sensate. It eases communication with the Divine. It also aids in the transitional state to Light, also known as Spirit; so you can see God. the 

The Ego has nothing to do with Prana Breath. The Ego cannot activate it, use it or remove it.  This Prana Breath Energy is like rocket fuel vs. carrots.  Your everyday oxygenated air is good and useful like the nutritional value of a handful of carrots. Prana Breath is like consuming rocket fuel and being powered up to achieve miraculously.

Peace & Light 


Genesis Revisited

Shadow and Light Creation


Christianity, a predominant world religion on Earth believes in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  Out of the 7 billion people on the planet, 2.3 billion claims to be Christians. Add to that, the estimated 15 million Jewish people who follow the Torah, which includes the book of Genesis and you have a large population of people who believe that the Book of Genesis is the Word of God. That is nearly 1/3 of the entire planet follows the teachings of the Bible and the First Five Books of Moses or do they? 

Jewish/Christian Genesis has in Chapter 1, God created the whole Cosmos. The heavens, day and night, stars, the earth, and filled the waters of the earth with fish creatures and plants.  He covers the entire earth with trees, plants, and animals.  He creates Light Beings, both male and female (equal). He creates, is satisfied with All Creation and it is done.  

However, Chapter 2, Begins with God's satisfaction with his work and resting.  Then, we have another creation story similar but different.  We skip over the creation of the heavenly realm. It was already there!  In this account, the earth is barren of plants, but God makes it rain and water flows. Soon there is life, gold, lapis, cattle, and mankind is created; 1st male and then, female a lesser creation taken from man.  He places them in a Garden. 
Why are there 2 different Creation Stories in Genesis? 

"In the Beginning...." is singular. Furthermore, why is "God" interested in Gold and Lapis and making mankind subdue and tend the land?  Ask a Rabbi.  Ask a Preacher or Priest? 

The first creation account is complete and full. God is satisfied with all that HE has made. He likes the plants. He likes the animals.  He likes male and female Light Beings. He gives them the plants and fruit-bearing trees to eat. Why in chapter 2, is 'God' starting over with a barren non-fruitful wasteland that needs tending, and plowing?  He already made everything, it was perfect and HE was pleased?

Chapter 1:  The Ineffable One God, the Pure Light, the omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, Consciousness of Creation created All. He created the cosmos, arranged its order, and filled it with stars, galaxies, planets, Light Beings, life, etc. 
Chapter 2:  Then, a Star People Nation, the Pleiadians, (aka Nordics) found a suitable planet to support human-like life and began to populate it. Later, other Star People, such as the Annunaki Star Nation came to Earth and did the same. Some were peaceful Nations. Others were warrior Nations. 

The ancient texts were created by the Star People to provide a history of the evolving human life forms placed on the Earth. Earth is a seedling planet. Meaning that different Star Nations have seeded humans on Earth. Later, they are moved to another planet or returned to their original one such as the Mayans. 

It is very clear in the Book of Genesis that there are two very different Creation stories. The first story is about God, the Ineffable One creating the entire cosmos from HIS conscious intent. He sets the entire Universe in motion. He creates a variety of life forms to populate each space from the waters to the land and in the air.  The Pure Light, which creates All.  

Then, in chapter 2, we have the account of the Star People finding a planet rich in minerals. They begin to mine gold. But, they are lazy. The Gods of the Annunaki Star Nation begin to create life on Earth as workers/slaves to mine their gold. They are of superior intellect and thus, create a garden in the developing wasteland of Earth.  They create animals, plants, and Mankind (in their image). They take from their DNA (the rib/bone marrow/blood) and mix it with that of the gorilla to create Homo Sapiens. A  human form that is compatible with the frequency of this planet.  

As you look around, you will see the conceptual design of this Star Nation.  They mine. We mine.  They became warriors.  We fight.  They enslaved.  We enslave. They were lazy.  We can be lazy.  They did not create from the Pure Light of the Ineffable One God.  We create but with flaws.  However, they provided a path to evolve.  They have covered the planet through a variety of cultural practices in the method of evolution to attain Enlightenment and become a Light Being. 

        Awakening Kundalini.  
Human Nutrition

Looking at the first Book of both Sacred Texts, I wonder about the current health of mankind on Earth.  I was guided, first thing, to omit meat from my diet before Awakening Kundalini.  A vegetarian diet with fish was what I was guided to eat as nutrition. It has been almost 15 years that I have been following this healthier diet. 
 I am ok!  I did not wither up and die by not consuming meat.  In fact, I have never been healthier. I lost about 5-7lbs. immediately after quitting meat. I learned about plant protein and have been very healthy ever since.   

If you look around at the majority of the largest mammals on the planet; the buffalo, the cow, the elephant, and the bear, they consume a large diet of plants/grasses.  Plant Protein is what gives them their power and stamina. What was mankind told to eat by both God and the Star People?

Genesis 1:29-30

29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so.

Well, correct me if I'm wrong but where do you see eat cows, pigs, and chickens in God's explanation of what mankind is supposed to eat on the Earth?  If you are a True Christian or Jewish follower, who reads the Bible or Torah, as the Word of God, NONE OF YOU ought to be eating meat (cattle, pigs, chickens, etc.)! 

Oh, wait! 

In the Second creation story, what is man told he can eat? After all, we have livestock, aka cattle, sheep, etc.  The Star People plant a garden, water flows, and animals are everywhere. What is Adam & Eve told to eat?

Genesis 2: 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”

Nope! Nowhere in all of Genesis is man told to eat the animals of the earth! 


Mankind is told to eat of the trees. I take this to mean the fruit and nut from the trees.  Even plants. This is a more cohesive teaching of what my God told me to eat. No mammals on the earth are to be food because they have a higher conscious awareness.  They form a bond with their offspring and nurture it from their bodies.  Female cows (Heifers) bawl and cry out for hours and hours when their young are taken from them at 6 months.  Ask any rancher.  It is so sad. 

Furthermore, eating mammals is toxic to the Human Anatomy.  Why do you think there is such a high rate of heart disease, obesity, and colon cancers?  It is comparable to eating a human.  They are mammals.  You are a mammal. 

Now, the cattle industry is going to have a greedy fit.  Big pharmaceutical companies won't make billions off of your poor health. And, the planet may recover faster from the removal of toxic waste (literally, cow dung, noxious gas, an abnormal increase in the insect population, and polluted waterways) due to ranching and corporate farms. 

The Gods of Heaven and Earth have been very clear about the nutritional consumption of mankind.  The fruits, vegetables, seed-bearing plants, and trees of the entire planet are yours for the feasting! 


Peace & Light

Sunday, June 5, 2022

The Miraculous

                                                             Me flying without a Spacecraft

Kundalini Magic (Part 1)

There has been a lot of information written about the Powers of Kundalini.  Some of the information has come from ancient texts.  Information has been derived from interpreted, inspired writings. Other information has been shared via tradition or history. And, information has been hidden in myths, fables, and children's fiction. Almost all of the information being spread around is not-modern, actual experience. The experiences and Power of Kundalini are much different than the stories.

The most popular myths and most sought-after seem to be the ability to cosmically fly and physically attain wealth. They are NOT a myth but a RESULT of Awakening Kundalini. Now, that you are all excited and paying attention; let me disclose the hard truth.  

It is not instantaneous. 

After 13 YEARS of Awakened Kundalini; the wealth aspect, I have not yet, obtained. The wealth and royalty are an inherited gift of reunion with God. It comes at the very end. What this means is that you must awaken kundalini, cleanse & open the chakras, go through all the mucky-yuck of your past lives, learn the Divine secrets as HE reveals them to you on HIS time schedule, move past the ego, impart your knowledge for future generations to learn from (teach) and Transfigure the Special Death to Reunion aka Marriage to the Divine Ineffable God.  

During the Divine Romance and Engagement, I am provided gifts and specials along the journey. They vary but are specific to the things I like, I need, and HIS desires for me  The Eternal Gifts of Wealth, Royalty, and Everlasting Life come at the Marriage to God. (aka Greek Hieros Gamos)  The Three Gifts of the Magi in Christian biblical text. 

(The motif of marriage to God and HIS wife birthing the new creation is presented in the Egyptian Osiris and Isis theology of birthing Horus, her son/sun.  Likewise, the Catholic Last Supper is Really the Marriage Celebration Dinner of Mary Magdalene to God, who births Jesus, the new creation, the son/sun.)

While I am united with and engaged to God, I have not fully Transfigured.  I call myself a Hybrid Human.  I am Human and I am Divine.  I need to eat, hydrate, and do human stuff but I can be altered into the State of Light and be moved throughout Time and Space by God. 

Flight: The ability to fly happens after all 8 chakras have been blasted open. It is one of the first gifts/powers bestowed upon you. This is also the onset of what ancient art has depicted as the halo over someone's head.  I call it 'halo-head' because it feels like a continuous electrical sensation buzzing around the baseball cap area of your head. It is actually the super increased neurological activity of the brain due to Kundalini. This neurological activity alters your conscious perceptions.

How the Divine moves you is the term used to describe flying. Your feet do not actually leave the ground but consciously; you feel movement and you are physically transported to other places in time and space.  I know. It is confusing.  I will try to explain the experience. 

First of all, there are several different methods of flight.  Initially, the halo-head sensation signaled Kundalini's power stimulating an increase in conscious activity in my brain and I was moved through time and space.  The most common one I experience now is the activation of the Merkaba. The Merkaba is activated by the Divine when a state of zero-point energy is reached.  Let me say, at this point, I cannot make myself Merkaba.  Will I have or need this ability, when fully transfigured? I do not know. I don't think so. 

To continue, Merkaba flight is when your physical body counter-rotates. Your head moves very fast from side to side; while your shoulders/torso moves from side to side very fast opposite your head.  If your head moves right to left, your shoulders/torso moves left to right.  (I have this on video) The Merkaba is your personal spaceship. Your body is the spaceship! Your enhanced consciousness is the perception or VIEW. Thus, the need for 3rd Eye activation before flying and the strengthening of the neck muscles. The pineal gland secretions enable higher consciousness panoptic view.  

My ability to Merkaba was activated in 2012-2013. 

Another method of flight is by driving or running really fast when guided by Divine and passing through a hidden doorway.  This is pretty fun because HE opens a special door in the space and time where you are and good things are there. The Squeeze, as I have stated in another post is when the solar plexus region is literally squeezed hard, similarly to the effect of doing 1000 sit-ups.  And, moving at the Speed of Thought aka 'In a Blink of an Eye.' This one is a little freaky because I will see someone at the exit door of the store and then I turn around to my car door and see them instantly across the parking lot behind me. It always takes me a minute to adjust when this happens.  Let me reiterate, at this point, I am unable to control any of my 'flight movements." The Divine does it ALL.

So, the ability to fly is a little confusing because you do not turn into a bird and fly around.  I believe the writers of old used that and the concept of 'wings' to try and explain conscious flight.  Similarly, Angels are pictured as having wings.  Angles do not need wings. They move instantaneously at the Speed of Thought.  

However, conscious and physical movement is very real without the need for physical wings. (see image above) I sometimes fall over or lose my balance, if I move too quickly, say getting off the couch while being moved/flying right after Merkaba activation. The doubters are thinking 'you don't really fly.' I have questioned this concept, myself. But, I have experienced the movements and changes. Superman doesn't need wings to fly, either. (truths hidden in children's fiction) 

I have photographs to prove my flight ability. I have images of Agharta (the Center of the Earth), the Core of the Cosmos, The Pure Light of the Ineffable One God, Layers of Creation, and the Paths of Light (Highway to Heaven) to God and so much more. 

Peace & Light

Monday, May 30, 2022

How Did I Awaken Kundalini



How Did I Do It?

Like I said in my first post, Jesus came to me in a vision.  After that, many things began to change around me.  My workload became lighter at my job. My college educational focus increased. I moved out of the city. My children went to live full time with their father.  Everything became easier for me to study and prepare for a life-altering journey that I had no idea was coming. As I mentioned before, it all happened as part of everyday life choices.  Only my choices were directly influenced by God. 

I began serious meditation in late 2007-2008, as part of my Master's program at the university. My studies were becoming more holistic in nature with each class. I sat for about 20 minutes each morning in meditation.  I never pushed myself to sit longer.  I tried a variety of methods from guided meditation, to counting my breath to listening to musical rhythms. But, I lost focus on counting. I didn't like some of the music. One of the guided meditations even made me feel ill afterward.  What was best for me was to just sit quietly.  It took a couple of weeks to attain No-mind. 
Then, I started to see swirling forms and colors behind closed eyelids.  It was pretty cool.  A little psychedelic, I think.  But, I stayed with it as part of a 
class meditation/self-observation lesson. 

My dreams were increasing in volume and clarity.  I was documenting up to 10 dreams per night on a little notepad by my bed.  If there were words or concepts I did not know, I looked them up on the Internet the next day.  Some of the dreams were for then and there; while others were for the coming experience.  I kept journals daily from about 2006 forward. (another guided pre-awakening task.) 
To date, I believe there are well over 200 journals.
In 2008, I watched a 60 Minutes documentary on cattle feedlots and chicken & turkey farms and was so put off by what I saw that I gave up meat in my personal protest against these practices.  (another guided behavior by God, as eating mammals is toxic to the human anatomy)  I became a vegetarian but I was told to keep eating fish, the term is pescatarian. 
The gluttonous consumption of killing mammals and birds for food must end.  Throughout many countries around the world, vegetarianism and diet control is part of their culture.  Americans, specifically are paying the price for their poor choices in the form of colon cancers, heart disease, obesity, and more.  When you are tired of being sick, you will change your eating and exercise habits. 

Through dream messages, I was guided to take up Raja-Yoga.  It is a breathing exercise that expedites the Awakening of the Kundalini.  I read parts of the book and then just did the breathing technique without all the nose plugs.  I used the visualizations of airflow up and out the top of my head.  Their instructions were a bit dumb to me so I changed them for my comfort.  Likewise, when I sat in meditation, I did not put my thumb to my finger and sit with my hands on my knees.  All those techniques are egoistic control methods. 
In November of 2009, I felt a strange wobble movement/sensation in my root chakra area. As I was unfamiliar with Kundalini, since the Hindu words were all gibberish to me, I did not know what this feeling was. It didn't hurt so I just kept with it.  I laugh now at my ignorance and blind trust. Anyway, as it was my soul destiny to Awaken Kundalini, the changes I made had no effect on the outcome.  I did it!
Once that silent sleeping serpent is roused from its slumber, there is no putting it back! 
I have learned that Kundalini can be slowed down and controlled to a certain extent by limiting carbohydrates but when God wants something done; HE overrides all my abilities to stop it. In fact, awakening kundalini reduces your free will to about 25% and you become completely dependent on the Ineffable One God. 
This makes your EGO scream  "No Free Will?"  Saying it out loud does seem a bit odd but the living - element of it comes down to God, the Loving Creator or Ego, the pain suffering, and profane world?  Choose. 

I choose Jesus and the Ineffable One of the loving miraculous!

After the first wobbling/slow spinning sensation in my root chakra area, the full rise of Kundalini up through my entire spinal column (aka 8-point Chakra Tree) and out the top of my head took almost another year.  

Drumming, chanting, singing bowls, crystals, massage, hot mineral soaks, sexual activity (alone, with a partner, or stimulated by Divine), lots of sunlight, limited sugar, a high plant protein diet (wheatgrass, spinach, kale, salads, etc), lots of water, grounding and moderate exercise were all part of the process.  
It is important to note that I did not do any of this on my own.  Jesus was guiding me the whole time, by influencing my thoughts, my actions, and blasting the earth (and me) with solar flares, gamma rays, moon cycles, equinoxes, planetary alignments, and other cosmic energy forces to make this transition happen.  The sun was entering a solar maximum period and the blast out of body was perpetrated by a profound 10-minute gamma-ray burst a few days prior.  

Remember, everything is interconnected! 

Peace & Light

Sunday, May 29, 2022

The Blueprint of Life


The Ineffable One has a Plan. 

His plan is for you and all of creation is included in it. When your soul was created, there was a blueprint for your future physical incarnational experiences.  Who your family members would be, what they looked like, your personality, what you would like, your skills, hobbies, etc.  And, like any architect's design, once he/she visits the property (you are placed in physical creation); the layout of the house on your property may change slightly due to the contours of the landscape, best view from your vaulted living room window and a variety of changes or alterations may occur.  Life happens and scenarios, given free will, alter the plan slightly.  

 When you are born, all of physical creation is a black and white model or rather, a blueprint for your soul to experience life. This canvas is filled with information for you to learn, experience, and choose what is best.  On the contrary, it is also filled with harmful information and negative influences for you to experience or avoid.  Similarly, as an architect can design a perfect house; it may not be the best design for your property or there may be issues that arise like big tree roots where the septic is going to be placed.  

When you incarnate into a physical body the 1% of your DNA that is You, is always You. This 1% encompasses your basic traits such as your laugh, your facial design, your interests, and your soulmate's features. For example, if your soul blueprint has your interests in the medical field; in one life you may be a medical doctor. In the next life, you may be a research analyst for blood diseases and in yet, another incarnation, you may be a shaman. 

Likewise, if your soul blueprint is one of a warrior; in one incarnation you may be in the military. In another life, you may be an officer of the law and in yet, another life, you may be a rebel politician fighting for the rights of the people. The design is not concrete or static.  It is a fluid interpretation of your soul's choices and experiences. 

Your soulmate, the opposing gender of You, also has a specific look about them.  Have you noticed that people after 'sampling the desserts" tend to date, live with, or marry a person with certain features?  They like blonds or well-endowed, etc. This is because they have a blueprint in the DNA of their sacred soulmate and are trying to match that on earth. I think you get the picture. 

During these life experiences, things happen.  A young girl gets pregnant as a teenager with few options for support.  Her culture shames her and she gives the child up for adoption. This creates a multitude of soul stains (not sins) for the young girl and her child: shame, insecurity, financial issues, loss of a child, cultural conflict, abandonment issues, etc. 

A young military man is involved in a conflict or war and severely wounds a bodily limb.  He requires aid for the rest of his life.  This young man experiences many of the same stains as the young girl but adds physical deformation, co-dependency issues, maybe anger, religious issues, medical care, etc. 

A high-flying senior executive gives in to the flirty advances of a secretary and has an affair. His wife divorces him and the children require financial support. To boot, the teenage son gets involved in drinking & drugs due to the parental breakup.  The senior executive has not only created stains (not sins) for himself but he has involved several other people (souls) in his family through his actions.    

 All of these real-life scenarios create dirt or a stain on your soul.  The emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual stains of every life experience, similar to the ones I have just mentioned are what need cleansing during Kundalini Awakening. You cannot evolve to Divine with all this dirt staining your soul and consciousness. 

However, God knows all this.  He will not abandon you and leave you suffering.  When HE calls you to awaken kundalini, HE will clean you.  HE will teach you HIS Truth and it takes years for this to be completed,  When you are cleansed of your past and present physical lives; God will glorify you before the ones who caused you to be stained!  He is that Awesome.  

God, the Ineffable One, takes the original blueprint and enhances the property giving you a fountain water feature and big shade trees. HE removes all the unseen obstacles underground.  HE builds the perfect house. HE surrounds you with kind, loving people. HE claims You as HIS own and places you next to HIM in heavenly abundance.  

There is a plan. I am witness to its unfolding.   

Peace & Light