Sunday, May 29, 2022

The Blueprint of Life


The Ineffable One has a Plan. 

His plan is for you and all of creation is included in it. When your soul was created, there was a blueprint for your future physical incarnational experiences.  Who your family members would be, what they looked like, your personality, what you would like, your skills, hobbies, etc.  And, like any architect's design, once he/she visits the property (you are placed in physical creation); the layout of the house on your property may change slightly due to the contours of the landscape, best view from your vaulted living room window and a variety of changes or alterations may occur.  Life happens and scenarios, given free will, alter the plan slightly.  

 When you are born, all of physical creation is a black and white model or rather, a blueprint for your soul to experience life. This canvas is filled with information for you to learn, experience, and choose what is best.  On the contrary, it is also filled with harmful information and negative influences for you to experience or avoid.  Similarly, as an architect can design a perfect house; it may not be the best design for your property or there may be issues that arise like big tree roots where the septic is going to be placed.  

When you incarnate into a physical body the 1% of your DNA that is You, is always You. This 1% encompasses your basic traits such as your laugh, your facial design, your interests, and your soulmate's features. For example, if your soul blueprint has your interests in the medical field; in one life you may be a medical doctor. In the next life, you may be a research analyst for blood diseases and in yet, another incarnation, you may be a shaman. 

Likewise, if your soul blueprint is one of a warrior; in one incarnation you may be in the military. In another life, you may be an officer of the law and in yet, another life, you may be a rebel politician fighting for the rights of the people. The design is not concrete or static.  It is a fluid interpretation of your soul's choices and experiences. 

Your soulmate, the opposing gender of You, also has a specific look about them.  Have you noticed that people after 'sampling the desserts" tend to date, live with, or marry a person with certain features?  They like blonds or well-endowed, etc. This is because they have a blueprint in the DNA of their sacred soulmate and are trying to match that on earth. I think you get the picture. 

During these life experiences, things happen.  A young girl gets pregnant as a teenager with few options for support.  Her culture shames her and she gives the child up for adoption. This creates a multitude of soul stains (not sins) for the young girl and her child: shame, insecurity, financial issues, loss of a child, cultural conflict, abandonment issues, etc. 

A young military man is involved in a conflict or war and severely wounds a bodily limb.  He requires aid for the rest of his life.  This young man experiences many of the same stains as the young girl but adds physical deformation, co-dependency issues, maybe anger, religious issues, medical care, etc. 

A high-flying senior executive gives in to the flirty advances of a secretary and has an affair. His wife divorces him and the children require financial support. To boot, the teenage son gets involved in drinking & drugs due to the parental breakup.  The senior executive has not only created stains (not sins) for himself but he has involved several other people (souls) in his family through his actions.    

 All of these real-life scenarios create dirt or a stain on your soul.  The emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual stains of every life experience, similar to the ones I have just mentioned are what need cleansing during Kundalini Awakening. You cannot evolve to Divine with all this dirt staining your soul and consciousness. 

However, God knows all this.  He will not abandon you and leave you suffering.  When HE calls you to awaken kundalini, HE will clean you.  HE will teach you HIS Truth and it takes years for this to be completed,  When you are cleansed of your past and present physical lives; God will glorify you before the ones who caused you to be stained!  He is that Awesome.  

God, the Ineffable One, takes the original blueprint and enhances the property giving you a fountain water feature and big shade trees. HE removes all the unseen obstacles underground.  HE builds the perfect house. HE surrounds you with kind, loving people. HE claims You as HIS own and places you next to HIM in heavenly abundance.  

There is a plan. I am witness to its unfolding.   

Peace & Light